Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Catch Trout - Tips For Fishing With Powerbait

If you want to know how to catch trout you need to familiarize yourself with something known as "Powerbait". Powerbait is a synthetic trout bait manufactured by the fishing company Berkley and is one of the best trout baits that can be used when you are trying to catch trout that have been stocked. If you have a local lake that contains trout, it has more than likely been stocked with trout by your local fish and game department or conservation agency. Fishing with Powerbait on your local lake is something that many anglers engage in and in this article I will outline a few tips that will help you learn how to catch these trout.

Powerbait is a dough bait that comes in a variety of colors and fishing with Powerbait isn't at all difficult. As a matter of fact fishing with Powerbait is actually quite easy and if the simple tips in this article are implemented, this unique trout bait is quite effective as well. Many trout fishermen wonder what the best color of Powerbait is to use and in my twenty plus years of experience I've found that there is no single answer to this question. The bottom line is that you never know what color will be best on a given day, so having a few choices available for experimentation is a key to success. Try one color for thirty minutes to an hour and if you receive no bites, switch to another color. One thing that I have found to be true as far as the color of Powerbait goes is that one color tends to outperform all other colors on specific days, so try different colors until you find the one that is working on the day that you are fishing.

Another thing to keep in mind when you are learning how to catch trout using this unique trout bait is when you are on the water fishing. Being on the water when the trout are the most active, and thus the most apt to be feeding, means that you will experience more success. The best way to figure out when the trout will be the most active is by learning the simple ways that the weather and moon impact fish and thus fishing. By paying attention to the weather and moon and planning your fishing trip accordingly you will be fishing when the trout are the most active and will thus have a better day fishing.

The next tip to use when fishing with powerbait is to use the proper amount of bait and to keep as much human scent off of said bait as possible. The easiest way to accomplish this task is to use a Powerbait press of some sort. By using a Powerbait press you don't actually touch the bait with your fingers, thus keeping any "human scent" off of it. The press produces the perfect amount of Powerbait to fit around the hook as well, so very little bait is wasted.

The bottom line is that if you want to know how to catch trout these simple tips for fishing with Powerbait will make you much more successful. They have been helping me catch trout for more than two decades and I know they will do the same for you.

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