Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rainbow Trout Bait - The Best Baits To Use To Catch Rainbow Trout

When it comes to fishing for trout that are colored like a rainbow, did you ever wonder what the best bait to use was? There are so many trout bait choices available that it can be difficult to determine what the correct bait choice is for a given fishing scenario when fishing for rainbow trout. I have been fishing for rainbow trout for more than twenty years and in that time have discovered that certain baits are more effective than others, depending on what type of trout you are fishing for and what type of water you are fishing for these beautiful fish in.
You may be thinking to yourself, "what type of trout?" and to that question I would answer, "yes, the type of trout that you are fishing for is of the utmost importance." Technically a rainbow trout may be a rainbow trout, but in truth there are two types of rainbows available in most areas. Trout that have been stocked and trout that are native to the body of water that they are found in. The reason that this is important is because the two different types of trout tend to eat very different things and thus different trout baits tend to be more or less effective depending on the type of trout (stocked or native) that is being fished for.
With that being said, I will outline which of the following baits are most effective and the type of trout that is most likely to eat each bait. The bottom line is that the following options are among the best baits that can be used when fishing for these beautiful fish.
  1. Insects - Insects are a very effective trout bait, but live insects are extremely difficult to use as trout bait. The obvious alternative to live insects are artificial flies when it comes to mimicking insects. Everyone seems to know that "fly fishing" and "trout fishing" go hand in hand and this is because fly fishing is a very effective way to use artificial flies as bait for trout. For traditional spin fishermen artificial flies can be used as bait for trout by employing something called a casting bubble, but the bottom line is that insects (in the form of an artificial fly) make an excellent bait for catching rainbows. Native trout as opposed to stocked trout are the most susceptible to this type of trout bait.
  2. Worms and Grubs - Live worms and grubs make excellent trout bait when fishing for "rainbows". Live worms and grubs are most effective when fished in the flowing waters of a river or stream containing native trout (or stocked trout that have had a couple of fishing seasons to acclimate to their surroundings) but the bottom line is that worms and grubs also make an excellent bait for these beautiful fish.
  3. Dough Style Baits - Dough style baits include any synthetic trout bait that is sold in a small jar and is molded onto your fishing hook for the express purpose of catching a rainbow trout. The most popular form of dough bait is called "Powerbait" which is a very effective bait for trout. This type of trout bait is fished on a bottom rig in a lake that has been stocked with trout. As you might imagine dough style trout baits are most effective when used for stocked trout and normally don't work at all for native fish.
At the end of the day the aforementioned trout bait choices are certainly among (if not at the top of the list) for the best baits that can be used to catch rainbow trout. If any of them aren't a part of your trout fishing arsenal, they should be added sooner rather than later.

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