Monday, February 28, 2011

Trout Fishing - Fishing Guide For Beginning Trout Fishermen

If you are new to trout fishing there is a lot to learn and getting off on the "right foot" (so to speak) is of the utmost importance. There is a ton of misinformation out there or should I say information that isn't based on real world fishing experience. The bottom line is that if you get your information early on from sources that are less than informed about the subject of attempting to catch trout you will be much less successful than you should be and not enjoy trying to catch trout as much as you should.

I have more than two decades of real world fishing experience fishing for these beautiful fish from the mountains of Pennsylvania, to southern Alaska, and back to the heart of Northwest Montana. During my time fishing for trout I have learned some trout fishing tips that will help any beginning trout fisherman not only have a more enjoyable experience when attempting to catch trout, but also have a more success experience as well.

I will use this article as a "guide" of sorts to help you to get off on the right foot in your "career" fishing for trout. Okay, I know fishing for trout isn't your "career" but nonetheless these simple trout fishing tips will save you time, help you be more balanced as an angler, and most of all help you catch more trout. The following tips are being listed in no particular order and are all of equal importance in my experience.

  1. Always Use Light Line - Many beginning trout fishermen tend to use fishing line that's much too heavy when fishing for trout. You should have a fishing rod and reel that are used exclusively for attempting to catch these fish, and the reel on your setup should be spooled with either four or six pound test monofilament line. Some trout fishermen even use line as light as two pound test, although I do not suggest fishing line this light for a beginner. I suggest starting with six pound test and "graduating" to four pound test once you feel comfortable using and tying knots in six pound test.
  2. Learn A Basic Fishing Knot or Three - When it comes to trout fishing tips one of the most overlooked area's is the area of knots. As a beginner you must know a quality knot or three for attaching lures, swivels, and hooks to your line in a strong and effective manner. A few of the most popular and easy to tie fishing knots for trout fishing would include the improved clinch knot, the perfection loop, and the uni-knot. Learn at least one of these knots and you will be much better off as a trout fisherman.
  3. Use Small Fishing Hooks - Many angler, especially beginners, tend to use hooks that are entirely too large when fishing for trout. If you are using treble hooks and using Powerbait, size #12 or #18 should be used. If you are using tradition fishing hooks or gang hooks, size # 8, #10, or even #12 should be used. The bottom line is that when trout fishing small fishing hooks are definitely in order.

These simple trout fishing tips will serve you well as you embark on your trout fishing "career". Remember, the most important thing that you can do as a beginner is spend as much time on the water fishing for trout as you can. There is simply no substitute for experience when it comes to the wonderful world of fishing for trout.

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