Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Best Bait to Use For Trout in the Summer

Although there are a plethora of different baits that can be used to catch trout in the summer, there seems to be one bait that stands out above all others. In my experience, which spans of over twenty years, there is one type of trout bait to use for trout in the summer and that bait is insects or an insect imitation. It is well documented that the four main species of freshwater trout (rainbow, brook, brown, and cutthroat) all feed heavily on insects and the summer is probably the best time of the year for insect populations, especially when you are speaking of terrestrial insects.

Terrestrial insects peak in abundance during the summer months and as a result any terrestrial insect pattern can be extremely effective during the summer months when water temperatures are ideal for trout growth and trout tend to be feeding heavily on many sources of protein, including insects. Seeing as how live insects can be very difficult to use as bait for trout (with the possible exception of large grasshoppers and some species of beetles) this means that in the summer the best bait to use for trout is an artificial fly.

Artificial flies are the best way to mimic an insect when fishing and there is little doubt that "fly fishing" is the best known and most popular way to fish while using artificial flies as bait. There are three main types of insects that you want to focus on when you are talking about the best bait to use for trout in the summer; ants, beetles, and/or grasshoppers. Fly patterns that emulate any of these three types of insects are excellent choice as bait for trout during the summer months.

Whether you are a traditional "fly fisherman" or you are a spin fisherman using a "fly fishing bubble" to fish with artificial flies there is little doubt that the best bait to use for trout during the summer is an artificial fly pattern that emulates some form of ant, beetle, or grasshopper.

Ants always seem to be found around the water and it seems as if everyone has heard about how much fish love ants, well trout are certainly one of the fish that love to eat ants. There are literally thousands of types of beetles on the planet and there will be different kinds, sizes, and species of beetles on virtually every waterway, but the bottom line is that beetle patterns are a great place to start when it comes to a summer trout bait choice. When grasshoppers are abundant (and this will vary from season to season) trout routinely gorge themselves and a 'hopper' pattern can perform well all day or even week long.

The bottom line is that when it comes to the best bait to use for trout in the summer, insects are difficult to beat. Whether you are fly fishing in the traditional sense or using a casting bubble and spinning gear, artificial fly patterns that mimic any of the aforementioned terrestrial insect species are a great trout bait choice to employ during the summer.

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