When talking about trout and Powerbait I think it's important to describe what it is we're fishing for. When you use Powerbait for trout the bottom line is that you're fishing for stocked fish, rather than 'native' fish. These are trout that have been raised and 'planted' by the government. There's nothing wrong with this, it's just the way it is. For the most part the rig that I'm going to describe is used for still fishing in lakes. This can be modified as you see fit, but for me, Powerbait is only used when still fishing is lakes for stocked trout.
Many people ask what color Powerbait is best. I've always said that I've never believed that it matters. If one color isn't working, try another color, it's as simple as that. Stocked trout are no very sophisticated (to say the least) and I simply don't think that color matters much. The important thing to remember is that whatever color you use, make sure that it floats. Flotation is the important aspect this type of trout bait.
Begin by taking the end of your line and slipping on an egg sinker (1/4 to ½ ounce). Now tie on a small barrel swivel (size 10 or 12). The barrel swivel acts as a "stopper" for the weight and helps to prevent line twist. Now tie on a set of pre-tied gang hooks, size 8 or 10 is usually best. Now add enough Powerbait to each hook to completely cover each hook. In other words, when you're done you'll have two balls of Powerbait hanging from the end of your line. This is how to rig Powerbait to catch more trout.
Now cast this rig into the lake, let it sink, and slowly reel in the slack line. Now prop your rod against an immovable object and wait. Your line should be completely taught. The rod tip will bounce when you start to get a bite (it shouldn't take long). Now how do you make sure that you're fishing at the best time?
The best time to be on the water fishing is determined by the weather and moon. All you have to do is pay attention to the weather and moon, and plan your fishing trips accordingly. Seriously, the weather and moon have an incredible impact on the feeding activity of trout and the better you understand this phenomenon the better. This might sound strange, but it's nonetheless true.
Begin using these tips sooner, rather than later and you will begin catching more trout. Albeit stocked trout, but hey sometimes an anglers got to do what he or she has to do.
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