Saturday, June 23, 2012

Trout Spinners & An Eight Year Old Trout Fisherman

If you've ever had the pleasure of taking an eight year old girl trout fishing you undoubtedly know that keeping her occupied when the trout aren't cooperating is a next to impossible task, especially if you want to get any fishing done yourself.

When this situation presented itself to me this morning I decided to give something a shot. What about tying a small spinner to the end of my daughters line and letting her "fish" it by casting it out and retrieving it, I thought to myself, and this is exactly what I did. And guess what happened? She had fun and even caught a few small stocked trout, in between becoming hopelessly snagged 3 or 4 times and losing all of Dad's trout spinners. But she caught a few trout and had some fun, which is what this whole ride called life is all about in my opinion, so all in all everything worked out fine.

When I returned from our fishing trip I immediately jumped online to replenish my trout spinners and stumbled upon a great deal and was able to replenish my fishing vest for a very small investment, which was a fitting end to a great morning on the water with my little eight year old trout fisherman.  

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