When I finished my morning run I figured that today was as good a day as any to take my daughter out to try to catch some trout. The moon was in our favor, as there is a new moon just about three days from now, and the barometer was steady after a small weather system pushed through our area last night so the pressure shouldn't be any sort of factor one way or the other. So I packed up our stuff and headed out. At this time of the year in Northwest Montana the rivers are completely "blown out" because of run-off and rain so our option as spin fishermen who like to catch trout, is to head out to one of the local lakes, which is exactly what we did.
When we got there I tried to decide between using a fly fishing bubble and artificial fly or using the old standby Powerbait. Then I realized that I had an eight year old with me and decided that Powerbait was definitely the way to go, because at the end of the day my daughter has the attention span of, well an eight year old, and someone has to keep her occupied whenever we are waiting on the trout to bite and bottom fishing with Powerbait

And by the grace of the trout Gods (and the weather & Moon) we didn't go more than a twenty minute stretch of time with receiving a bite from a hungry stocked trout. Sure, all of the trout were fairly small (in the 10-15 inch range) but it was alot of fun and my daughter didn't have to be occupied by me, the trout took care of keeping her occupied for me.
The cool thing about this trip, other than spending time with my favorite person and watching her catch some trout, is that it reminded me about how much the weather and the moon impact our catch rates as anglers. These factors are such a simple thing to pay attention to and yet many fishermen either don't know or care about the weather and/or moon when it comes to fishing.
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