Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Trout Bait: The Best Bait For Trout Fishing During The Summer Months

The summer months are probably the worst time of the year to fish for trout as trout are a cold water fish and most species of freshwater trout prefer water temperature ranges from fifty to sixty five degrees with each species preferring even more defined ranges within the above temperature range. The point is that during the summer months water temperatures often rise above the trouts ideal temperature range and thus they tend to feed much less often and be more difficult to catch. Couple this with the fact that fighting and landing trout when the water temperatures are above their ideal temperature range can be very harmful and sometimes fatal to the trout and you have a recipe for fair to midland fishing.

For these reasons the bait that you use for trout fishing during the summer months can be a difficult thing to decide on. Below I will list some "go to" baits to use during the summer months so that you can experience more success when you head out onto the water. There is little doubt that the best bait for trout fishing during the summer months of June, July, and August is among these choices.

  1. Crayfish Patterns - Small crayfish imitation crank baits (or fly patterns) are very effective during the summer months. In case you didn't realize it most species of freshwater trout LOVE crayfish and this is an especially good trout bait if you are looking to catch large trout. Although often overlooked as an effective bait for trout fishing, crayfish patterns should definitely be utilized during the summer months.
  2. Live Worms - Live fishing worms, whether you are talking about nightcrawlers (which should be pinched in half anytime that you are trout fishing), red worms/wigglers, or mini night crawlers are a very effective summer trout bait, especially when they are fished in the lower section of the water column (right along the bottom) in rivers and streams. The bottom line is that when it comes to summer trout bait live worms are difficult to beat.
  3. Artificial Flies - It is well documented that all species of freshwater trout love to eat insects and during the months of June, July, and August there are plenty of insects around for trout to feast on. Whether you are a traditional fly fisherman or a spin fisherman who fishes artificial flies with a "fly fishing bubble" there is little doubt that insects are among the best baits to during the summer months.

The bottom line is that the best bait to use for trout during the summer months will vary from fisherman to fisherman depending on his or her favorite style of trout fishing, but the ultimate answer will more than likely come from one of the three aforementioned choices.

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