Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tricks to Catching Summer Trout

During the summer fishing for trout can become challenging due of factors such as fishing pressure, rising water temperatures, activity in and around the water that you are fishing, and lower river flows just to name a few. You see, trout are a cold water fish that usually doesn't care for human activity or higher than normal water temperatures so the summertime can be a difficult time of the year to catch any species of freshwater trout consistently. Experiencing success when trout fishing during the summer months isn't impossible however, and in this article I will outline some tricks to catching summer trout that you will certainly find useful.

The first trick that we want to focus on is when you are going to head out in search of trout. As I mentioned just a second ago trout are a cold water fish, and thus prefer the water that they are living in to be cool to downright cold and during the summer months as water temperatures rise trout can have a harder and harder time finding their ideal water temperature. For this reason, during the summer months the most productive times of the day to fish for trout are the morning hours from sunrise to eleven AM or so. This is especially true in river fishing scenarios when cooler nighttime temperatures will cause water temperatures to drop a bit, which the trout inevitably enjoy.

The second trick to catching summer trout is the depth at which we fish. The surface of the water is obviously the section that receives heat from the sun first, so during the heat of the summer (when the sun is really hot) trout will tend to stay away from the top of the water column. For this reason you want to target deeper areas when you search for trout during the hot summer months. This fact is true in both lakes and rivers. For example, when you are fishing your favorite river for summertime trout, don't concentrate your fishing efforts on shallow riffles and instead focus on deep runs and pools where the water temperatures will be cooler and the trout will be more likely to be feeding.

The third trick to catching summer trout is to use the trouts lethargic behavior to your advantage by "still" fishing for them. During the summer months trout can become very lethargic because of the water temperatures and not want to eat very much. This is a great time to "still" fish for them with Powerbait or a similar dough style trout bait. Because these baits are designed specifically to release scents into the water that trout find irresistible, they can be "just what the doctor ordered" when it comes to catching lethargic summer trout.

I have been using every one of these simple tricks to help me experience more success fishing for trout during the hot and balmy summer months for more than two decades and I know that if you give them a shot, they will do the same for you.

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