In situations such as this many times spinners are an effective trout bait choice, so I tied on one of the new Panther Martin marabou spinners

I kept fishing spinners for the next couple of hours and caught a total of 8 rainbows. None of them were huge, most were between 10 and 12 inches, but on what ended up being my next to last cast I hooked and landed a beautiful 17 inch rainbow trout. All in all it ended up being a productive day on the river. It's always good to get a productive day on the river in before the run off begins and the rivers become Un-fishable for a number of months.
I'm often asked the question, " how effective are spinners for trout" and I often say, "it depends". What I know for sure is that on this day spinners were not only effective, but were very effective for trout.
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