Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Catching Farm-Raised Trout

A very popular spring and summer activity in many area's of the country is fishing for farm raised trout and in this post I will outline a few tips and tricks for catching farm raised trout so that you can catch a few of these tasty fish for your dinner table. The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to trout that have been raised in a "farm" is exactly that. They have been raised in a "farm"(often referred to as a hatchery) by human beings. The most popular species of farm raised trout is the rainbow trout, although they have virtually nothing in common with a rainbow trout that was born naturally in a body of water.

With that being said, let's get down to business. The first thing to consider is that farm raised trout don't generally eat many live trout baits, although they can be caught using small spinners , spoons, and fly imitations. So, what is the best bait to use to catch farm raised trout? The answer to this question begins and ends with one bait, Powerbait. Powerbait is a "man made" dough bait that has been specifically engineered to attract trout, and believe it or not, it works.

If you are interested in catching farm raised trout consistently, Powerbait needs to be your "bait" of choice. Fishing with Powerbait isn't at all difficult, and the most effective method is to "bottom fish" with it. In any case there is little doubt that small spinners and spoons along with Powerbait are the best baits to use to catch farm raised trout.

Catching farm raised trout can be a lot of fun and can also provide you with some delicious fish for the dinner table. If you've never gone out to your local lake or pond that gets stocked with hatchery trout, do yourself a favor and give it a shot sooner, rather than later.

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