Sunday, July 14, 2013

How To Catch Big Rainbow Trout

In this post I'm going to outline a few tips that will help you catch more big rainbow trout. Is there one definitive way to catch BIG rainbow trout consistently? Of course not, but there are things that you can do to "tip the odds" into your favor, so that your chances of catching a big rainbow or two will increase dramatically. The tips outlined below will do just that so that you will begin to learn how to catch big rainbow trout on a consistent basis.

Before we continue I think it's important to point out what it is that I consider a "big" rainbow, so that we are all on the same page. In most bodies of water I consider a big rainbow to be any trout that is from eighteen to up to twenty three inches. In most area's rainbows that exceed the twenty three inch mark are truly something special. While there are fisheries, where the average rainbow trout is very large, for most of us the description that was just outlined should be a good barometer when it comes to big rainbow trout.

So, if you want to know how to catch big rainbow trout the first thing to keep in mind is that patience is your friend. I realize that this sounds over simplistic when it comes to the act of fishing, but it is nonetheless true. Rainbow trout that have become big, didn't get that way for no reason. They are generally older trout who have survived multiple fishing seasons and have more than likely been caught and released multiple times, which means that big trout are seasoned veterans. And these seasoned trout aren't dumb, which means that you will usually have to present your bait to them multiple times before they will take your bait. Being patient is the first key if you are looking to catch big rainbow trout.

The next key is to be extremely mindful with your knot tying. Although this also may sound over simplistic, taking your time and tying quality fishing knots is an absolute must whenever you are attempting to catch big trout. Can you guess why this is the case? Because, invariably, the moment you rush through a knot and make a mistake when tying, a big trout will bite and then you will be in trouble because faulty knots often break, thus causing you to lose large trout. This has happened to me on numerous occasions in the past, which is why I take my time with every fishing knot that I tie now.

Finally, if you want to know how to catch big trout, make sure that you are fishing when big trout tend to be the most active. This means paying attention to things like the season (the fall is a great time of the year for big trout), the phase of the moon (try to be on the water during the "new moon" phase), and the rise and/or set of the moon, to name a few of the more important factors when it comes to fishing for trout. Keep all of these factors in mind if you want to catch big trout and you will be doing so in no time.

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