Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How Many Fishing Knots Should A Good Fisherman Know How To Tie?

best fishing knot
As a 45 year old man and a person who has been an avid fisherman for almost four decades, it occurred to be a couple of years ago that I more or less know only ONE fishing knot! Many years ago, when I was about 10 years old my grandfather taught me how to tie what I later learned was the improved clinch knot, and this fishing knot had been my go to knot for the entirety of my fishing "career". Now don't get me wrong, the improved clinch knot is a fine fishing knot and has served me well, but the thought occurred to me a few years ago, "shouldn't you know how to tie another knot or two?"

At about the same time that I came to this realization, I was doing some research on new trout fishing techniques and learned that some anglers were using an age old bass fishing technique, but were using it while fishing for trout.  The technique is called "drop shotting"  and it involves using a drop shot rig.  Or more to the point tying a drop shot rig.  Well I quickly found out that my old improved clinch knot simply wasn't going to work in this instance, but rather a Palomar knot was in order when an angler is tying a drop shot rig.  I then also found out that this fishing knot was amazingly easy to tie once it is committed to memory.  Kind of like the improved clinch knot.

Then, I of course thought to myself, "How in Gods name have you gone this long without knowing and tying more than one fishing knot?" So I found a little laminated tool to show me how to tie the fishing knots that I might need while I was fishing.  Although the information that I needed on tying fishing knots is readily available for free on the internet, I wanted something I could carry with me on the water as a reminder of what I had seen on the internet.  The next thing I knew I was tying drop shot rigs and catching trout using said rigs on my favorite trout fishing lakes.  And you know what else?  I now know how to tie a Palomar knot, even without my little "cheat sheet".

I still carry my little cheat sheet in my fishing vest however, just in case a need to tie two pieces of line together (I still need a cheat sheet for a nail knot) or just want a little refresher.  So, to answer the question posted in the title of this post, one knot will due just fine, just as long as you never want to try anything different as far as techniques or strategies are concerned.  Otherwise, knowing at least 3 fishing knots is probably a good idea for most fishermen. 

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