Now that spring is upon us and the trout fishing season has begun it seems that everyone and their brother is headed out to spend a day or two fishing for trout. Although there are many different manners in which a person can catch one of these beautiful fish, one of the most popular an effective manners is called spinner fishing and in this article I will draw upon my twenty or so years of experience to outline a few tips that will help you to take your spinner fishing
to the next level so that you can catch more trout this season.
If you become adept at spinner fishing for trout you can catch fish virtually anytime that you go fishing so there is no doubt that the technique of using spinners to catch trout should be a part of any serious trout anglers arsenal. With that being said, let's get down to business, what do you say?
- Be Aware of Your Line - Many spinner fishermen make the mistake of using fishing line that's much heavier than it needs to be when they are fishing for trout. When spinner fishing you always want to be using fishing line that's as light as possible. I personally prefer four pound test and some experienced fishermen even employ two pound test anytime that they are fishing with spinners for these beautiful fish. The reason for this is because the lighter your line the less visible it will be to the trout that you are attempting to catch, and the less visible your line is to the trout that you are attempting to catch, the more bites you will receive.
- Attach Your Spinner Directly To Your Line - This tip is vitally important anytime that you are spinner fishing for trout
. Novice anglers will use snap swivels in order to save time and make changing lures easier, but the problem is that the snap swivel affects the action of the spinner itself, thus making it less effective. A spinner that is tied directly to your fishing line will out fish a spinner that is attached with a snap swivel by a rate of 2-1. For this very reason you always want to take the few seconds that it takes to tie your spinner directly to your line anytime that you are fishing for trout.
- Keep Them Small - Don't be afraid to use small spinners when you are spinner fishing for trout. Spinners that are as small as 1/32 of an ounce are very effective at catching trout of all sizes. In fact I regularly hook and land trout that range from 10 to as large as 22 inches using spinners that are 1/32 of an ounce. Don't be afraid to keep your spinners small when fishing for these colorful fish.
Add these remarkably simple tips to your arsenal the next time that you head out spinner fishing for trout and you won't come home disappointed, I promise you.
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