Rainbow trout are a very popular species of fish to attempt to catch, especially during the spring of the year and in this post I will outline some tips and tricks that will help you fool springtime rainbow trout. The biggest thing that has to be dealt with during the spring of the year is run off from rains and/or snow melt. This creates high and muddy water conditions, which means that your approach needs to change some as well.
As far as river fishing is concerned this means that you need to concentrate your fishing efforts on two times, before the run off and after the run off. And truth be told, depending on where you live, by the time the run off has subsided enough to fish for rainbows effectively, you are often well into the summer. So, for many of you if you want to fool some springtime rainbow trout in a river, you need to be fishing before the run off creates un-fishable conditions.
If you prefer to fish for rainbow trout in a lake or pond, one of the best ways to fool springtime rainbows is by still fishing with Powerbait. You see, rainbow trout that are found in lakes and ponds have almost always been stocked, and stocked rainbow trout are suckers for the trout bait known as Powerbait

Throwing small spinners and spoons can also be effective for fooling springtime rainbow trout, although the color of your spinner needs to be chosen wisely. I have found that dark colors (such as black and brown) or florescent colored spinners

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