Friday, August 23, 2013

Fall Trout Baits – 3 Extremely Effective Fall Trout Baits

As you may or may not be aware, the fall of the year is probably the best time of the year for trout
fishing. This is especially true here in Northwest Montana, where I have caught virtually all of my "trophy" sized rainbow trout. I also know that the fall of the year was extremely productive in Central Pennsylvania where I grew up. When it comes to trout fishing during the fall of the year, it is vitally important that yo8u utilize the most effective trout baits, which is what this article is about.

Throughout the article below I will outline 3 extremely effective fall trout baits, so that you can make sure that one or all of them are a part of your fishing arsenal when you head out trout fishing this fall. All of these baits are effective for river dwelling trout. Many trout fishermen make the mistake of not giving enough thought to the type of bait that they utilize in relation to when they are fishing and this is a big mistake.

The first fall trout bait that I want to discuss is the inline spinner, but not just any inline spinner, in the fall I like to use dressed spinners that have a dark color pattern and a gold blade. For some reason, during the fall of the year gold blades seem to outperform any other blade color. When fishing spinners for fall trout, don't forget to up size your spinner to an 1/8 or even 1/4 of an ounce. Aggressively feeding trout (which you often find during the fall) are more susceptible to larger meals.

The next of the fall trout baits that I want to discuss is the live or synthetic fishing worm. Live or synthetic fishing worms (such as Berkley tout worms or "Alive" nightcrawlers) that are rigged onto a set of gang hooks and "drift fished" through the current of your favorite trout river is as effective a fall trout fishing technique as there is. Whatever you do, don't forget the fishing worm when you head out in search of fall trout this year.

Finally we come to one of the most overlooked baits that there is when it comes ultralight trout fishing, the nymph. Whether you are talking about Wooly Buggers, Mohair leeches, or even the Universal Fly nymphs are a favorite trout bait choice for many fall trout fishermen. What, you think that because your aren't a fly fisherman you can't use artificial flies such as nymphs as bait? Well you are WRONG, just check this post out for more info: Spin Fishing w/ Artificial Flies

The bottom line is that there is probably no more effective time of the year to catch trout than the fall, so make sure that you get out there and "wet a line" during this extremely productive time of the year. And make sure that one (or all) of the aforementioned fall trout baits are along for the ride.

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