Saturday, June 8, 2013

Easy Ways To Fool Rainbow Trout

If you are new to the world of fishing for rainbow trout, you are more than likely looking for some easy ways to catch a few of these beautiful fish, and in this post I will help you with this common problem. Below I will outline a few easy ways to fool rainbow trout, so that you can begin to get some experience under your belt when it comes to the act of "trout fishing".

The first thing to keep in mind is that often rainbow trout are stocked or planted into various waterways for the express purpose of being caught by anglers. This means that the trout have been raised in a hatchery by human beings and thus aren't the most difficult type of trout to catch. You can find out if the waterway that you intend to fish has been stocked with rainbow trout by calling you local fish and game department or by asking the helpful staff at any place that sells fishing equipment and gear.

The easiest way to fool a stocked rainbow trout in a lake or a pond is by fishing with a trout bait known as Powerbait. Powerbait can be purchased is small "nuggets" or as a dough that you mold arpound your fishing hook. The best way to fish with Powerbait is to "still fish" on a basic bottom fishing rig. A detailed explanation of this trout fishing technique can be found here.

The next easy way to fool rainbow trout, a technique that can be used in a river, stream, or lake is to cast and retrieve a small in line spinner (1/32, 1/16 or 1/8 of an ounce). Small inline spinners have been a popular trout bait for a very long time and are extremely simple and easy to use, even by the novice trout fisherman. A small inline spinner is tied to the end of your line, cast out, and retrieved. It's as simple as that. Try varying the speed of your retrieve, which will change the depth at which the spinner holds in the water column, until you find the depth at which the trout are holding.

Fooling rainbow trout (especially when you are fishing for stocked trout) really isn't that difficult and the two ways outlined above will no doubt accomplish this task. Now get out there and catch a few rainbows, either for dinner for for fun.

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