Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fall Trout Fishing is a Comin'

As I sit here on a late Saturday morning, I can't help but think about the upcoming fall trout season.  The fall of the year is, by far, my favorite time of the year to hit the river and catch some beautiful rainbow trout.  Here in Northwest Montana as the temperatures begin to fall and the leaves begin to change, most people turn their attention to deer or elk hunting or the extremely popular local football team the Montana Grizzlies.

As a person who gave up the act of hunting right about the time scientists say the male brain stops developing (age 28 by the way) and as a lifelong Ohio State football fan who realized a few years ago what an amazing waste of time being a "football fan" is (which ironically coincided with the buckeyes getting beaten down in the national championship two years in a row by the SEC) the cool mornings and evenings mean one thing to me, trout fishing.

And as I sit here on a late Saturday morning when temperatures are supposed to reach 90 degrees, I can't help but think of the number of floaters (people on tubes floating the Swan River) that will be on the river today.  "Floaters" and fishermen don't mesh very well as you can probably imagine and at the end of the day neither does hot weather and trout fishing, but as I look down at my desk calendar I also see that the fall is all but upon us.  My daughter goes back to school in less than two weeks and that means but one thing; fall trout fishing is a comin' and I can't freakin' wait!

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