Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Secrets of Fall Trout Fishing

I have been fishing for trout for more than two decades and for the last ten years have focused primarily on catching both rainbow and cutthroat trout, and the one lesson that I have learned above all others is the the fall is, bar none, the best time of the year to catch trout. Not only do I catch more trout during the fall, I also tend to catch significantly more large trout as well. As a matter of fact, virtually all of my "trophies" have been caught during the fall trout fishing season. In this post I will reveal a few secrets of fall trout fishing that have been revealed to me over the past 10 years on the river.

During the fall, trout are extremely active, not only because water temperatures have started to cool back down after three months of sweltering heat, but also because the amount of activity on the river dwindles during the fall to a much more "normal" level. These factors come together to create what I like to call "perfect conditions" for trout fishing. Comfortable trout and next to no fishing pressure, it just doesn’t get any better.

Next we have the fact that because of these changes, instinctively the trout feed much heavier than normal as they prepare for the upcoming cold temperatures of winter when their metabolism slows and and they feed much less often. This means that during the times of the day when trout are normally active such as during a moon rise or set, a new moon phase, or during the morning or evenings, during the fall the trout will be even more active.

When fall trout fishing, although most of the normal baits will work, there are a few that seem to perform better than others, so you want to make sure that you have some variety available. The other thing that comes into play in the fall in regards to trout bait is that it seems that darker color patterns are more effective than lighter or bright color patterns.

The bottom line is that the fall is the time of the year for catching trout so make sure that you make time to get out there and enjoy some fall trout fishing this September, October, and November. If you will employ the above secrets you will experience even more success, I promise you.

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