Wednesday, August 7, 2013

River Trout Fishing Tips

As you have no doubt realized from reading this blog, our favorite place to fish for and catch all manners of freshwater trout is in a river, and not only in a river, but also while wading in that river. There is something cathartic and soul restoring in the act of standing in a river and attempting to catch fish (mainly trout) that makes it such an enjoyable activity to us, and I assume to some degree for you as well? As river trout fishing is something that we have extensive experience in and the fall of the year (the best time of the year for trout fishing in our opinion) is right around the corner, in this post I will outline a few "must know" trout fishing tips that every serious trout fisherman needs to be aware of.

Since most of us get a limited amount of time to spend on the water fishing for trout, the first tip is to make sure you are maximizing that time by being on the water when the trout are most likely to be feeding. This way you are much more likely to receive bites from hungry trout. So how in the world are you supposed to accomplish this task? The simple answer is by paying attention to things like the weather and moon because these two forces of Mother Nature have an amazing impact on whether of not fish will be feeding. Educate yourself as to exactly how and why this happens and then use this information to your advantage. You can also use tools such as this fishing forecast tool from the weather channel, to help you determine the best fishing times so that you can plan your trout fishing trips accordingly and be on the water fishing for trout at the most opportune times.

The next tip is to be as efficient as possible when you are on the river fishing for trout. As we all know, when river trout fishing we have to carry all of our gear and bait with us in our fishing vest and it's often not possible or a HUGE pain in the butt to have to go back to our "home base" to get something that we forgot. For this reason we always want to make sure that we have all of the gear, bait, lures, etc. that we are going to need for the time that we will be fishing. You also want to make sure that you utilize equipment such as a bait bag (if you are a bait fishermen) to help you to be more efficient when baiting or re-baiting your hook, which saves valuable fishing time.

Finally, you want to make sure that you are proficient at multiple trout fishing techniques and tactics so that if the trout aren’t cooperating, you can switch to another technique quickly and easily. The tops 3 river trout fishing techniques in my opinion are drift fishing with bait, drift fishing with small trout lures, and fishing an artificial fly by utilizing a casting bubble or bullet weight and 12-18 inch leader. If you are proficient at these 3 trout fishing technique, are on the water at the most opportune times, and are efficient while you are fishing, it will be a rare day when you don't catch at least a trout or two.

1 comment:

  1. Trout fishing is a popular activity enjoyed by many people around the world. Although, some people might not exactly describe their trout fishing experiences as being enjoyable all the time. Trout fishing can in fact be quite frustrating at times.

    fishing tips
